
Shorashim is all about you, not us. We exist for you.

Here, Jewish teens and pre-teens find a place to socialize, better themselves and connect with their heritage. Our members have asked for classes in Jewish law, philosophy, history, Hebrew reading, Bar-Mitzvah preparation, cooking, and ethics. We answered by providing classes in all of them. If it’s important to only one boy, it’s important to our entire staff.

But that‘s not all. At Shorashim, the boys earn trips, outings, and social activities, and we deliver big-time with no expenses spared. Memorable activities such as paintballing, bowling, Dave & Buster’s, Shabbatons, and weekends in Orlando are but a few of such activities.

Teenagers have a creative imagination and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them, but we do. And after all the trips, we wanted to do more, so Shoashim was able to partner with benefactors, and we started our annual trip to Israel. We get on planes, cross the seas, and travel throughout Israel for almost two weeks. We all forge an incredible bond, not only with each other but with the Land of Israel as well. For many of the boys, this is their first experience going there. They all fall in love with Israel and its people.

The Shabbat, Yom Tov, and daily services at Shorashim are all about you. They are led by our members, not the staff or adults. It is an environment where you’re safe to learn, to lead and to make mistakes.

Shorashim gives me a great opportunity to get better at life. This is my family.
Shlomo Sibony

We have the freedom to make mistakes here.
Idan Azoulay

©2018 Shorashim Jewish Learning Center Inc. – Do not copy. All rights reserved.